Page 122 - Anuário Abihpec
P. 122
Anuário ABIHPEC 2016
It is an initiative carried out through a technical-financial to reach the international market. For Gueisa Silvério,
cooperation agreement in partnership with ABIHPEC this is positive for the image of the country and the
and Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for the Expoits and business of each of the participating companies.
lnvestments Promotion), which purpose is to promote "With globalizatíon, global competition is becoming
the competítiveness of Brazilian companies in the increasingly ñerce and being an export company tends
international market. to be a differential, either by being present in markets
The Beautycare Brazil sectorial project seeks to be other than Brazil, as well as being closer to other players
recognized nationally and internationally as the most and getting to know their competitors better Those who
important support platform for the internationalization look at the foreign market and put it as a strategy have
of Brazilian companies in the Cosmetics, Toiletries and a diñferentíal and always achieve good results, " said the
Perfumary industry. Beautycare Brazil manager.
The participating companies count on many types
of support, which include training actions, product For the ApexrBrasil president, Roberto Jaguaribe,
technical adequacy, commercial actions to facilitate and Beautycare Brazil is of great relevance to present the
generate business, image strengthening, among others. Brazilian identity to the world reflected in the segment
Developed since the year of 2000, Beautycare Brazil of CT&E "ln an ¡ndustg/ with such a large diversity
has reached a success story of export support and the of business templates, companies of all sizes and in
relevance of the sector to the national economy. Up different stages of maturity, Apex-Brasils partnership
to the first half of 2016, the project totaled US$ 137.7 with ABIHPEC enhances Brazils export Qualification. We
million in exports in the period. want to definítivelyposition our country as a keyplayer in
The business achieved relevant results in the face of the ínternationaltrading business ofCT&F-not only asa
the international trade situation. "It was a very positive major consumer but also as a relevant business partner,
percentage, with a finished product representation of products and services supplier that meet the demands
around 31%, amounting to US$ 80.1 million, while inputs and expectations of the global public", said Jaguaribe.
resulted in US$ 57.6 million in exports to 86 countries, "
saíd Gueisa Silvério, Beautycare Brazil manager. "Looking back over the last year, we have found how
Currently, Beautycare Brazil serves companies of all the work developed between Apex-BrasilandAB/HPEC
sizes and invoicing, comprising 74 finished products has been fruitful, through Beautycare Brazil- a sectora/
and 17 inputs, which has the possibility to participate project that aims to add two decades of eñforts in favor
in international events such as fairs, road shows and of Brazilian exports, ln a rather challenging period,
prospective missions. In 2016, the project was present the well-being industry has not been spared from the
at some of the most important international events negative impact on consumer habits ~ and foreign
in the CT&F market: Cosmoprof, Bologna/Italy, in- trade has emerged as a viable strategic alternative to
cosmetics Europe, Paris/France and Beautyworld safeguarding established businesses in our country. The
Middle East, Dubai/UAE among others, which Brazilian difference found between the growth of the exports of
participation strengthens the image of the country as a the group of participants of Beautycare Brazil and the
reference for innovation, technology, entrepreneurship general performance of the sector endorses the efforts
and sustainability. made, " concluded the project manager at Apex-Brasil,
The sectorial project is a support for domestic companies Gabriel lsaacsson.