Page 160 - Anuário Abihpec
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Anuário ABIHPEC 201 ó
In order to stand out in a market where innovation is one of in safety evaluation studies of perfumery ingredients, the
the main accesses to success, companies in the Cosmetics, safety ofthe fragrances produced according to its standards
Toiletries and Perfumary (CT&F) supply chain Lise the is recognized international/y including in Brazil. in this sense,
creativity and standardization of processes to achieve ABIFRA is always available to our associates and partners
excellence. for any initiative of communication or strengthening !FRA
This alliance is strengthened overthe years through ABIHPEC, standards, always seeking the best quality for our customers.
which, as the CT&F industry representative, catalyzes all
players in favor of its qualification. PLASTICS
Forthis purpose, the Brazilian Association of the Cosmetíc, ABIPLAST - Brazilian Association of Plastics Industry
Toiletry and Fragrance Industry, through ITEHPEC, José Ricardo Roriz Coelho - President
encourages the production of scientific research, delivers
training and, through the Beautycare Brazil sectoral project, The Cosmetics, Toiletries and Perfumary industry and the
also promotes foreign trade actions, seeking to increase its plastic processing industry have numerous principles and
competitiveness in the domestic and international market. values in common, Both act with great respect for the final
consumers and business partners in their respective supply
WHOLESALERS AND DISTRIBUTORS chains are guided by the principles of sustainability, they
ABAD excel in the permanentsearch for innovation and technology,
José do Egito Frota Lopes Filho - President of ABAD contributing significantly to job creation and are important
for the insertion of the Brazil in the global scenario,
Distribution agents have long-standing partnerships with All these topics are very present in the activities and
the Cosmetics, Toiletríes and Perfu mary (CT&F) industry. mobilization of the class entities that represent them,
Whether in the role as distributors, which act as a real the Brazilian Association of the Cosmetic, Toi/etry and
extension of the small retail industry oras general wholesalers, Fragrance Industry (ABlHPEC) and the Brazilian Association
the companies in the industry can offer capillarity to the of the Plastic Industry (AB/PLAST). The two organizations
manufacturer and help supplying the countrys 5,570 cities are among the most active in the Brazilian scenano of
with products that impact health and Consumerslives quality associativism and work hard to strengthen their areas, market
The presence of large brands C T&F adds undeniable value improvement, technology aggregation, ethics and good
to the portfolio of companies in the industry, in a true win-win manufacturing and marketing practices.
relationship, Our industry has taken pride in developing plastic packaging
with many solutions and innovations, providing greatersafety,
FRAGRANCES infinite possibilities of design and perfect preservation of the
ABIFRA characteristics of personal hygiene products, perfumery and
Carlos Petri-President cosmetics. lt is our commitment to work more and more
intensive/y to deliver quality to the excellence of the 2,500
The fragrance market cannot fall asleep at any economic industries represented by ABiHPEC, which economic role is
moment in our country. The more challenging the very relevant, presenting positive results.
scenario, the greater the need for our customers to seek Serving these companies with packaglng increasing/y
opportunities to renew or expand their product lines, capable of meeting their expectations and the increasing
ln these moments, partnerships such as ABIFRA and demands of the final consumer has been a very rewarding
ABIHPEC are fundamental to be able to maintain the challenge for us in the plastics processing industry To meet
level of services expected by our clients. this unique demand, suppliers in our industry, in addition to
New challenges arise in our industry in order to work in an equating costs, seek constant improvement, as can be seen
ecological/y correct and sustainable way ln the supply chain, in the beauty, functionality, safety and quality of packaging.
when making use of botanical species assets according lt should also be noted that they are 100% recyclable, like
to the Biodiversity Law, it is necessary to obey new rules of all plastic processing, which increases the synergy with the
access to genetic heritage and benefit sharing, which are environmental/y correct values ofABlHPEC. '
being consolidated by the Department of the Environment The plastics processing industry is proud to participate in the
and other Bodies, and represents one of the examples of our value chain of personal hygiene products, perfumery and
partnership. Cosmetics, which performance adds immense value to the
ABIFRA represents /FRA - International Fragrance national industry and the economy of our country!
Association, which mission is just to recommend the good
standards of manufacture of fragrances and to promote l
their safe use in the consumer products for which they are
intended. Due to the considerable investment made by lFRA

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