Page 97 - Anuário Abihpec
P. 97

ASSOCWÇÕD BYCSllS VG da lncuslvlc de
Higiene Pessoal »ensinam e cosméwcos

meetings, both in SGT11 (Health) and in SGT3 to bodies', laboratories providing proper services and
(Metrologyl, caused by lack of representatives of human resources beings highly ski/led in the productive
the Brazilian government in meetings under the pro sector, academia andAnvisa to dealwith the complexity
tempore presidency of Uruguay, and by political of changing this paradigm in Brazil," explained the
problems in progress in Venezuela (sequential pro executive.
tempore presidency). This absence of meetings impairs The CT&F industry, led by ABIHPEC, has already been
the evolution of the country's regulatory system, since working on this aspect with other important players
Brazilian laws are harmonized in Mercosur, (ANVISA, National Council for Animal Experimentation
An example of this hindrance is the list of substances Control- CONCEA, Department of Science, Technology
not allowed in CT&F products. "lnternatíonalized only and innovation e MCTI / National Network of Alternative
in June of 2076 in Brazil, this list obtained a delay of Methods to the use of animals - RENAMA; Universities
approximately six years to update at the national level, and other sectoral associations), with the purpose
negative/y impacting the continuous work ot' reducing of speeding up the implementation of alternative
technical barriers between international trade, as well methodologies in Brazil.
as maintaining the high level ofprotection to consumers Seeking to advance this topic, in August, 2016,
aimed by this industry" said Renata Amaral. Normative Resolution No. 31 was published, which

recognizes seven alternative methods to the use of
ICCR: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION GROUP ON animals in research activities in Brazil, in addition to the
COSMETICS REGULATION 17 methods already recognized by Normative Resolution

18/14 and accepted by Anvisa Resolution RDC35/15.
The 11th meeting of ICCR - International Cooperation on These methodologies that are being implemented in the
Cosmetics Regulation, scheduled to take place on July, countn/ should be adopted by any sector that needs to
2017 will be held in Brazil. Until the meeting, ABIHPEC prove its safety or effectiveness of use. "We believe that
will coordinate the meetings of the industry and Anvisa Brazil should aim at the same technical-scientific level of
will be at the forefront of government meetings to international scope and even takeaprominentposition
address relevant issues to the regulatory issue. in the face of challenges like this. Therefore, several
Brazil has been a member of the ICCR Coordination Brazilian companies, following this trend, are directing
cornmittee since October, 2014, when it joined the efforts to apply alternative methods whenever they are
group formed by the European Union, United States, available" said Renata Amaral.
Japan and Canada.


As experienced in the years 2009 and 2010 with the
The Cosmetics, Toiletries and Perfumary has a great use of personal hygiene products during the influenza
capacity and speed of innovation. It invests around 2% A (H1N1) pandemíc to control contamination between
of its net revenue in research and development, being a individuals, once again the products of the sector play a
portion of these resources destíned for the development key role in the lives of consumers, by contríbuting to the
of alternative methods to the use of animals, ensuring maintenance ofthe general health and well-being of the
the safety of products and respect for life. population at a time when Brazil has been suffering from
"These investments have led the industg/ to become a high rates of dangerous diseases involving the mosquito
pioneer in the research and application of alternative Aedes aegypti (Dengue, Chikungunya fever and Zil<a
methods to the use of animals, in line with social Vírus).
desires and contributing to the evolution ofscience and
technology, "said the executive president of ABIHPEC, The Department of Health, in agreement with Anvisa,
João Carlos Basilio. recommends the use of the topical Insect Repellent
With high added-value products, the CT&F market product and the World Health Organization (WHO)
demands different inputs for increasingly sustainable indicates those manufactured on the basis of DEET,
formulations and better performance, being identified as IR3535 and icaridin, Currently, there are more than 120
a priority of the chemical industry for the development of products registered with Anvisa and, according to the
raw materials of Brazilian biodiversity in replacement for agency, "all registered articles had their proven efficacy
higher toxicity-components. for action on Aedes aegypti species".
For the manager of Technical and Regulatory Affairs
of ABIHPEC, there is an urgent need for convergent "Scientiticdevelopment, research, technologicaltraining
structuring actions that allow the transition from the and the search for innovation, make the products ofthis
country to the future. "We needgovernmentinvestments industw complying with requirements of public health
to install inlrastructure that enables the application protection, as well as complying with the consumer's
or' alternative rnethodologies to the use of animals in requests" concluded Renata Amaral, manager of
the country, as a legal framework for the production ABlHPEC Technical and Regulatory Affairs.
and marketing of 'Equivalent to Skins' or 'equivalent


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