[:pt]Data de realização: 08 e 09 de fevereiro de 2011
A ABIHPEC (Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos), por meio do projeto Beautycare Brazil, de apoio à exportação das indústrias brasileiras de HPPC (Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos), criado em parceria com a Apex-Brasil (Agência Brasileira de Promoção das Exportações e Investimentos), realizou em 08 e 09 de fevereiro de 2011em São Paulo o evento I Capacitação em Adequação Técnica e Regulatória da Empresa.
O objetivo do evento foi promover ações de qualificação e conhecimento profissional para que as empresas de HPPC (Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos) atuem de maneira consoante com as regras da ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária). Entre os tópicos que foram abordados estavam “Como Regularizar sua empresa na ANVISA” e as “Boas Práticas de Fabricação e Roteiro de Auto – Inspeção na Fábrica.[:en]Date of training: February 08 and 09, 2011
ABIHPEC (Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics) conducted the I Qualification of Company Technical and Regulatory Fittings on February 08 and 09, 2011 in São Paulo through the Beautycare Brazil project. This was designed to support the export of Brazilian HPPC (Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetic) industries created in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments).
The goal of the event was to promote activities that qualify and provide professional knowledge to allow HPPC companies (Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics) to meet all ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) regulations. Among the presented topics were “How to Conform your company at ANVISA” and the “Good Manufacturing Practices and Care Procedures – Inspection at the Plant.”[:es]Date of training: February 08 and 09, 2011
ABIHPEC (Brazilian Association of Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics) conducted the I Qualification of Company Technical and Regulatory Fittings on February 08 and 09, 2011 in São Paulo through the Beautycare Brazil project. This was designed to support the export of Brazilian HPPC (Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetic) industries created in partnership with Apex-Brasil (Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Exports and Investments).
The goal of the event was to promote activities that qualify and provide professional knowledge to allow HPPC companies (Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics) to meet all ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) regulations. Among the presented topics were “How to Conform your company at ANVISA” and the “Good Manufacturing Practices and Care Procedures – Inspection at the Plant.”[:]