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Anuário ABIHPEC 2016

Strengthening the heart of the Cosmetics, Toiletries present with institutional support and organization of
and Perfumary (CT&F) industy as key to society is the actions in traditional trade fairs, among them Hair Brasil,
focus oi ABIHFECs Communication and Marketing in-cosmetics Latin America and Make UP.
Management, which seeks, by many actions, to insert An unprecedented cycle of ABIHPEC Seminars, under
the message in its different work industries: external the Coordination of the area, was also the highlight of
and internal communication, press relationship, the year 2016. Among the events held jointly with the
content for the entíty's electronic platforms (websites Department of Market Intelligence are the Seminar
and social media), and the promotion of events with "The research institutes view on the CT&F Brazilian
topics that propagate the main elements of the market" , with lectures by renowned Euromonitor
industry. Institutes, Factor Kline, IMS Health, Kantarworldpanel,
"Our main purpose is bringing up the relevance of LCA Consultoria, Mintel and Nielsen; And the Seminar
the industry and, basica/ly, to re-signify the concept "The Megatrends for 2017", with the presentation
of beauty through different channels, so that the of the Style ID Beauty methodology, created by
message is disseminated to a qualified audience," Nelly Rodi, followed by an exclusive lecture by the
said Carla Camporini, ABlHPECs Communications & Qua|iBest institute, involving behavior and femininity
Marketing Manager. on the brand new Women's generation.

We can highlight an example ofthis case a recent special In order to understanding the importance of
project of Branded Content, in partnership with a relevant disseminating the associations work and its channels
communication vehicle, which aims to raise public of action in innovation, social responsibility and
awareness about the importance of this industry to the internationalization, it worked along with the ABIHPEC
Brazilian/consumer (well-being, health and life quality) Institute, ITEHPEC and Beautycare Brazil, through the
and for Brazil (creation of job opportunities, economic production ot content, events organization, media
development and socio-environmental responsibility). activities, among other works.

In order to value the entire CT&F's supply chain, the field ABlHPECs Communication Management aims to
is also responsible for the organization and realization of reach the public of the industry as a whole, providing
important acknowledgement. In 2016, it promoted the relevant information so that associates and other
4th edition of the ABIHPEC-Brasil Beauty Award and members of the supply chain of CT&F might have
the traditional Supplier Qualification Program, which knowledge of important issues for decision making in
will enter into its 11th edition in 2017. Besides, it was the business environment.


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