Page 31 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 31

2018 YEARBOOK                                             SUPPLIER QUALIFICATION PROGRAM 31

    One of the companies evaluated in 2017 was              WHEN YOU HAVE A LABEL OF SUCH
Medcin Dermatologia e Pesquisa, in the Services                AN IMPORTANT ASSOCIATION
category. “This recognition means a lot, as it is the
result of a direct research with our customers and the       LIKE THIS, THE OTHER SEGMENTS
sector itself. We are keen to spread this achievement in             FOCUS ON THAT
all our institutional materials,� said Flavia Addor,
the company's technical director.                                    Carmem Markowicz, of Kingraf

    The evaluation takes into account commercial
service, delivery, technical assistance and proac-
tivity in the development of products. A qualita-
tive research is carried out with the consumer in-
dustries of the sector, associated with ABIHPEC.

    The strategy was defined by the Department
of Communication and Marketing in order to
grant data exemption and security, while ex-
changing direct information and the having
the possibility of feedback from companies.
“The companies voluntarily register to participate
as evaluators and, more and more, this participation
has increased,� adds Carla Camporini.

    One of the examples given by Salvatore Pri-
vitera, a specialist who analyzes and delivers the
results, is about innovation, as he advises: “New
projects, products, packaging, fragrances and formu-
lations are the path for the difference we have in re-
lation to the first world.�

    According to Fabio Luiz Peres Miguel,
evaluator for the O Boticário group, the
program supports “the development of the supply
chain in Brazilian industry, generating a strong base
of companies with quality, operational efficiency,
innovation and sustainability.�

    “The weight of ABIHPEC, both inside and outside
the CT&F segment, is large and growing. When you
have a label of such an important association like
this, the other segments focus on that,� said Car-
mem Markowicz of Kingraf, who in 2017 quali-
fied in the packaging category. “My clients ratify
what I'm doing and I know I'm on the right path-
way and that I'm taking good care of these people.�
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