Page 35 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 35

2018 YEARBOOK                                             BEAUTYCARE BRAZIL 35

the biennial agreement with Apex-Brasil. “Inter-          ic markets for finished products: Saudi Arabia,
national trade increases cash flow, dilutes companies'    France, Peru and United Kingdom. Specific mar-
risk and makes them m repared and competitive, im-        kets for inputs: Germany, South Africa, South
pacting the entire production chain. Therefore, there is  Korea and India.
a positive reflection both in operational aspects and in
the image of the sector as a whole �, comments Ro-            Among the fairs, Gueisa Silvério, manager of
berto Jaguaribe, president of Apex-Brasil.                Beautycare Brazil, highlights the participation in
                                                          Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna (Italy), the big-
    The project is separated by three verticals:          gest event in the area in Europe last year: “The
one is finished products; the second is for inputs,       project was with 36 companies, the largest participa-
which includes ingredients, packaging and ser-            tion of the sector in an event for finished products.�
vices; and the third one, incorporated in 2017, is        One more fact to prove that Beautycare Brazil,
accessories, made up of products that are not of          which has existed for more than 18 years, increas-
the sector, but which are related, such as salon          ingly benefits the country with its actions, by ex-
furniture, electric dryer, among others.                  panding the number of Brazilian companies that
                                                          have been gaining competitiveness and interna-
    There are common markets and specific mar-            tional prominence.
kets for each of the verticals, according to their
interests. Among the common ones are Argen-
tina, United States, Mexico and Turkey. Specif-


                                        95 PARTICIPANTS IN 2017:
                                           Finished products;


                                 Promotion actions in 6 countries
                                       1 prospective mission
                                             1 read show
                                        5 international fairs

                             2 participation in international meetings
                                          1 checking round
                                            4 workshops
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