Page 40 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 40

40 SCENARIOS                                                                               2018 YEARBOOK

about the CT&F industry, a study conducted                    The research also showed that people are
by the entity with the services of FSB Research.          aware of the importance of personal care for
                                                          disease prevention. In addition, he identified
    Consumers, journalists, experts, economists,          a clear relationship between the sense of being
authorities and parliamentarians were among the           clean and the people's self-esteem.
public interviewed in the cities of São Paulo, Porto
Alegre and Salvador. Qualitative research was con-            The third strategic pillar, the economic con-
ducted through individual interviews and with-            tribution, was cited by the interviewees as being
out external interference.                                of great importance for generating job oppor-
                                                          tunities and income. The perception is correct,
    The result proved that the strategic pillars          considering that the job opportunities in the seg-
identified by the association are reflected in the        ment in 2017 reached 5.6 million.
general imaginary: for consumers, the largest
contributions of the sector to society are based              “Brazilian legislation is still a bit restrictive and
on: 1, health and 2, well-being                           we could have even more hiring opportunities. We
                                                          still need to evolve a lot in labor issues to under-
    “The figures found confirm the correct path of        stand that we need to seek what is best for society,�
ABIHPEC, which seeks continuity to an agenda that         informed Basilio.
brings us the opportunity to further strengthen the
essentiality of the products of our sector for the main-      Although the generation of work and in-
tenance of the health and well-being of consumers,        come are essential and leap in the eyes of so-
and the economic importance of such a dynamic seg-        ciety, we know that the influence of CT&F in-
ment for the country's development like this,� ex-        dustry on the economy is much greater than
plains João Carlos Basilio, chief executive offi-         just these subjects, after all, this segment is
cer for the Association.                                  the 1st industrial sector that invests in com-


              2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017                               %          %
                                                                                           10 YEAR    AVERAGE
                                                                                           GROWTH   GROWTH IN 10

INDUSTRY 102,2 104,4 111,6 120,9 122,8 126,0 126,0 122,2 118,3 120,5                       23,4     2,1
                                                                                           64,3     5,1
FRANCHISE 141,3 148,7 159,8 174,1 188,1 195,6 200,7 214,2 214,6 221,0                      65,2     5,2

  DIRECT                                                                                   72,2     5,6
   SALES 2.691,0 2.893,6 3.444,8 3.791,5 3.897,7 4.053,6 4.053,6 4.140,0 4.140,0 3.9991,0  65,5     5,2

BEAUTY        815,2 867,1 913,1 1.022,7 1.145,4 1.205,0 1.205,0 1.280,0 1.300,0 1.333,3

TOTAL 3.749,7 4.013,8 4.629,3 5.109,2 5.354,0 5.580,2 5.585,3 5.756,4 5.772,9 5.665,8

                                                          SOURCE: ABIHPEC, ABEVD, ABF, FIESP AND IBGE.
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