Page 44 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 44

44 SCENARIOS                                             2018 YEARBOOK

              SENIOR CONSUMERS

According to data from the IBGE (Brazilian               the media and the companies in recent times
Institute of Geography and Statistics), the              point to a change in the form that consumers
life expectancy of the Brazilian population              face the subject. The renowned American
is over 75 years. Through such information,              beauty magazine Allure announced in 2017
the increased search for products aimed at               that the term "anti-aging" would no longer be
this public is completely understandable.                used in its articles and materials.

    In March 2017, ABIHPEC held a seminar                    The publication featured a handsome re-
in São Paulo to present to the executives of             hearsal with British actress Helen Mirren (72)
the main companies in the sector the charac-             to strengthen the image that mature women
teristics of this very peculiar public.                  are beautiful the way they are. A way to recog-
                                                         nize aging as something natural and beautiful
    They are consumers with more time and                and not a pathology to fight against.
experience of life. Highly demanding, they
have a great critical sense and are sensitive                Elaine Gerchon of ABIHPEC's Market Intelli-
to changes. In total, 72% leave home every day           gence department adds: "The idea is to pass on
and go to the market on average five times               to the consumer how attractive it is to age well.
a week.                                                  This is a new look at this transition to aging.”

    However, the way in which the term of
this type of product has been approached by

    Tax Replacement (ST), which places the bur-          INTERNATIONAL MARKET
den of paying taxes on subsequent links on the
shoulders of the industry, with calculations of          In the historical average of 10 years, the domes-
Average Value Added, continues to cause dam-             tic exports of manufactured products registered
age to the industry and to the country as a whole.       an unfavorable trade balance. In 2017, the out-
                                                         come was a deficit of US$ 48bn FOB, with im-
    “The Average Value Added brings a truism: the        ports totaling USD 128bn and exports amount-
most popular products have smaller margins due to        ing to US$ 80bn.
minor rotation. Products with a differentiation, as in
the case of shampoo - which has more than 900 brands         The CT&F sector has been deficient in the
and some with more than 20 types - have enormous         balance since 2011, and in 2017 it recorded a neg-
value variation. The average does not portray the re-    ative USD107 million amount. Imports account-
ality of all the products of the category, harming once  ed for USD 753 million and imports amounted
again the less favored classes,� said Basilio.           to USD 646 million.
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