Page 41 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 41

2018 YEARBOOK                                                                                      SCENARIOS 41

munication most and the 2nd. that invests in           on products. “High taxation impairs the population's
innovation most.                                       access to essential items for maintaining health and
                                                       well-being� adds Basilio.
    Survey respondents also understood that
CT&F-enabled care have a great say on per-                 There is a continuous industry-wide effort
sonal and professional relationships - and that        to overcome the recession that hit the country.
lack of access to products can harm individ-           However, the sector is still far from the figures
uals. “Have you ever imagined that anyone could        already registered, since the results of 2017 were
lose their job for not using deodorants? Imagine how   not enough to neutralize the losses. “Although the
that person might feel in a situation like this�, ex-  recovery bias is confirmed, we believe we have a long
emplified a participant from Porto Alegre (RS).        way to go before reaching a positive level, as in previous
                                                       years � explains the Association's chief executive.
    This public has been well informed about
the tax increases that these products have been        CONSUMER MARKET
undergoing: 73.3% have been able to say that the
tax burden has grown in the last two years. And        As a reflection of this scenario, which prevent-
66.7% think that there is no room for new rises.       ed the Brazilian CT&F sector from maintain-
                                                       ing its leadership in important categories (a
    “The outcome of the research is another indica-
tion of the relevance of CT&F products to Brazil-
ians,� said Basilio.

DOMESTIC MARKET                                        SECTOR X ECONOMY

The Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                              ANNUAL VARIATION (%)       DEFLATED
grew by 1.0% in 2017 compared to 2016, in the                                                      SECTOR
first high after two consecutive years of retrac-                   GDP GENERAL
tion*. Data from IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Ge-                                        INDUSTRY
ography and Statistics) indicate that in 2017 GDP
was R$ 6.6 trillion. Specifically, the Brazilian in-   2008 5,2 3,1 5,5
dustry was practically stagnant in 2017 (0.2%),
after three consecutive years of decline. The last     2009 -0,3 -7,4 9,6
time the industry showed progress in GDP was
in 2013, when it grew by 1.2%.                         2010 7,5          10,5 10,5

    In 2017, the CT&F sector achieved a slight         2011 2,7 0,4 6,3
growth of former-factory 2.75% - net of sales tax-
es - although superior to the economy, it was          2012 0,9 -2,5 8,8
not enough to neutralize the losses of the 2015-
2016 biennium.                                         2013 2,3 1,2 5,3

    In the two years of strong recession, when         2014 0,1 -1,2 7,0
the Brazilian GDP declined 7%, the industry had
a strong drop in consumption due to the eco-           2015 -3,8 -8,3 -9,3
nomic crisis, aggravated by the heavy tax burden
                                                       2016 -3,6 -6,6 -6,3

                                                       2017 1,0 0,2 2,8

                                                       AVERAGE OF

                                                       THE LAST 10  1,1  -1,2                      3,8



                                                              SOURCE: IBGE- BANCO CENTRAL, ABIHPEC/ DEFLATOR: IPC FIPE TOILETRIES AND BEAUTY
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