ISO/TC 217 e Encontros Paralelos WGMeeting of ISO/TC 217 “and Parallel WG Meetings:

Pela primeira vez no Brasil a reunião da ISO/TC 217 está acontecendo de 22 a 26 de outubro em Florianópolis, SC, reunindo o comitê responsável pelo desenvolvimento das Normatizações Internacionais para produtos cosméticos.

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ISO/TC 217 cosmetics is the responsible committee for development of International Standards for cosmetics for which there is a market need.The experts from industries, governmental organizations, technical sectors and other interested parties are also well represented. Today, many products are traded on the basis of technical specifications, and most products traded require proof of compliance with certain technical specifications and safety regulations before being released onto the global market. In addition, the role of international test methods and other technical information is very important, and the reliability of test data is a critical factor when making decisions on purchases and usage.

Therefore, the most important benefits expected from the work of ISO/TC 217 are improving the quality and safety of the products and access the cosmetic global market. ISO/TC 217 standards are technical agreements which provide framework for compatible technology worldwide. These standards will respond to market and regulatory needs in the global market and to scientific and technical development in various countries. The main objectives and priorities of the technical committee are development of globally relevance International Standards, in order to promote the cosmetics quality and safety and facilitate the cosmetic world trade.

XVII Reunión del Consejo Directivo del CASIC


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