Page 22 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 22

22 ABIHPEC – BELEZA BRASIL AWARD                     2018 YEARBOOK

manufacturing.� Hairdresser Roberto Capelli, also       A MARKET THAT WILL NOT STOP
a juror, followed the same line of reasoning, in     EVOLVING AND BECOMING MORE AND
which the award reveals “a market that will not
stop evolving and becoming more and more formal        MORE FORMAL AND CONCERNED
and concerned about quality.�                                   ABOUT QUALITY.

    Besides the chance to exchange experiences                           Roberto Capelli
with experts working in the area and participating                     Juror – Hairdresser
as award jury, Fernando Von Zuben, jury and
member of the Environment Department of São                         CHECK THE
Paulo, emphasized the “importance of participating                   WEBSITE
in an award that takes sustainability issues to the
chemical area, as sustainability is also a way of
captivating customers.�
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