Page 19 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 19

2018 YEARBOOK                                        ABIHPEC – BELEZA BRASIL AWARD 19

Alves Cruz, from Bio Extratus, reported how          seeing the activity in its practice, in its execution is
the company communicates the award winning:          a reason for satisfaction and improvement as well.�
“All the people who visit the factory to know more
about our history and our industrial site receive        Another greatly relevant aspect was innova-
an explanation of the prize and its importance. The  tion, one of L'Occitane Au Brésil's highlights in
statuette is at the main reception, where visitors   the category of Men's Perfumery, as emphasized
can see it. We have plans to use the label to make   by María Victoria Gallo, the company's marketing
it known to our consumers.�                          representative, when talking about the product re-
                                                     sponsible for winning the prize, Cumaru, whose
    Nevertheless, academic and jury of the ABI-      development was full of challenges. “We made the
HPEC-Brazil Beauty Award, Francisco Améri-           first packaging as we brought, instead of a cartridge, a
co, emphasizes the “opportunity we have to live      pulp molded from 100% recycled paper.�
and analyze the business world, with which compa-
nies are producing in terms of technology, commerce      Last year, the ABIHPEC - Brazil Beauty
and marketing. Our participation is interesting, as  Award recorded a growth in the registrations of
we always work with the more theoretical side, and   companies of different sizes and origins, more
                                                     than twice as much as the number of participants,
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