Page 14 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 14

14 TIMELINE                                      2018 YEARBOOK

                                     2014          2015
             Represented by ABIHPEC, Brazil
      becomes an effective member of ICCR,       ANVISA approves the amendment that
         an international entity for cosmetic    exempts from registration a large part of the
                                                 products in the Grade 2 category.
                      regulatory cooperation.    Brazilian biodiversity mark was enacted.
                                                 Innovation Portal was launched by ITEHPEC.
                                     2016        ANVISA publishes the resolution that
              Beginning of strategic external    recognizes the 17 alternative methods for
         communication work, which aims to       animal tests, published by Concea.
                                                 First edition of the ITEHPEC Innovation Award
                  strengthen the importance
                   of the industry for society
  ITEHPEC holds the 1st Innovation Congress
      ABIHPEC signs an agreement with the
    Receita Federal Customs of São Paulo to
  destroy illicit products seized in this scope
        The resolution that recognizes seven
alternative methods to the use of animals in
     research activities in Brazil is published
Launching of the Cuidar do Brasil é Essencial
                 platform, in the O Estado de

                          S. Paulo web portal
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