Page 10 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 10

10                                                                                                         2018 YEARBOOK

    TIMELINE                                                       1941
                                                                 Perfumery and Toilet Industry Trade Union in
                                                 1984            the State of São Paulo
       	 Beginning of construction of the Data
                                Panel of the Market Sector.     João Carlos Basilio becomes president of
                      ABIHPEC has been founded under the        1999
                                                                The National Sanitary Surveillance Agency
                           presidency of João Carlos Basilio.   (ANVISA) is created.

                                                 2000          2001
         	 ABIHPEC plea achieves the reduction of              The single-phase collection system was
                                                               introduced for PIS and COFINS rates on CT&F
              IPI rates in several products of the industry.   (Personal Care) products.
               In partnership with Apex-Brasil, the Market     ABIHPEC plea leads to the reduction of the IPI
         Sector Project for export promotion was created.      rates for toothpaste, from 10% to zero.
                                                               Brazil, for the first time, is the venue of the
                                                               Meeting of Health Authorities of the Americas.
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