Page 12 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 12

12 TIMELINE                                      2018 YEARBOOK

                                      2006       2005
   SEBRAE becomes a partner of the Industry      ANVISA determined that the industry products
    Development Project making it a tripartite   are subdivided into two categories: 1 and 2,
                                                 according to the degree of health risk.
          project (ABIHPEC, ABDI and SEBRAE).    An electronic procedure for notification of CT&F
   General Management of Cosmetics (CGCOS)       Grade 1 products was established by ANVISA.
                                                 Technical sanitary rules were standardized
     roles and responsibilities are established  and recognized by the health authorities
  through the Internal Policies of the National  representing the MERCOSUR.
                                                 The Industry Development Project developed
    Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (ANVISA).    along with ABDI is signed, being the first ABDI
    The Institute of Technology and Studies of   Project with a union association.
Personal Hygiene, Fragrances and Cosmetics -
             ITEHPEC is created, the ABIHPEC’s   Brazil hosts the Meeting of Health Authorities
                          technological branch.  from the Central and South American countries
                                                 to discuss mutual recognition in Latin America.
 ABIHPEC and ITEHPEC become partners of the
  Agência USP de Inovação. ABIPLA becomes a
   partner in Dê a Mão para o Futuro program –

                   Recycling, Work and Income.
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