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2018 YEARBOOK                                                           EDITORIAL LETTER 7

In one of the most politically troubled years of      and proves that the procedures performed up to
the last decade, both in Brazil and worldwide,        then were correct.
ABIHPEC (Brazilian Association of the
Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragances Industry)             In addition to the audit procedure, a neces-
proved that a good job depends on tradition,          sary inclusion of ABIHPEC to the concept of
adaptation and evolution. Tradition, because          compliance was also defined, which is a control
since 1941, with the creation of SIPATESP             mechanism that has expanded to the world from
(Perfumery and Toilet Industry Trade Union            the US and that extends the administrative is-
in the State of São Paulo) and 1995, with the         sues governed by the Audit to include ethical is-
establishment of ABIHPEC, the entity's actions        sues, relationships between professionals, with
are thought of together with small, medium and        the market, with associates and regarding the
large industries of CT&F (Cosmetics, Toiletries       control of results.
and Fragances), aiming at the benefit not only of
the sector, but also of the whole society.                Entering into the universe of compliance
                                                      and the new auditing controls have required a
    Adaptation, because the entity grew along         modernization of tools, which culminated in the
with its associates, adjusting the work to the        implementation of an Integrated Management
needs of participants and also changes in the         System, an information control model that in-
economy and governance, even when the sce-            tegrates data and processes of an organization in
narios became increasingly unfavorable to the         a single location.
expansion of the industry.
                                                          Faced with these important structural changes,
    Evolution due to the valuation of efficiency,     the entity yearbook has also been reformulated,
always investing in prepared staff and managers       with a greater interactivity between the media
capable of perceiving the need for changes and        and the internalization of production, which
application of new procedures.                        is now totally under the responsibility of the
                                                      Communication & Marketing department. Its
    In 2017, ABIHPEC continued its innovative         production remains trilingual, but the Spanish
history, implementing a new form of manage-           version will be available only online, making the
ment, based on bylaws signed in August 2016           layout more vivid, but keeping accessibility to all
that established the management of the entity         our audiences.
through a Deliberative Council and Executive
Board, whose mandate is renewed every two com-            At times, you, reader, will find QR Codes,
pound years.                                          mobile phone codes that will take you to more
                                                      content, information and interviews, making
    In that year, the launching of systems            your experience even more positive and complete.
unification was begun, as well as the verification
and follow-up, through auditing of processes and          Enjoy your reading!
documentation. After the necessary period of              ABIHPEC Team
evaluation and adaptation, the entity underwent
its first audit, the result of which was informed in                                  CHECK THE
2017: unqualified approval, which demonstrates                                       INSTITUCIONAL

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