Page 11 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 11

2018 YEARBOOK                                      TIMELINE 11

                                    2002           2003
                                                   Authorities from Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru,
     Market sector's plea, through ABIHPEC,        Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and
      results in the reduction of the IPI rates    Mexico and Central America gathered to agree
      to zero for oral care products, sanitary     on the assumptions of the Commitment Letter
  pads and disposable diapers; also for hair       on the Mutual Recognition Guidelines.
     conditioners there is a reduction to 5%.      The first edition of the Guide for the Evaluation
                                                   of Safety of Cosmetic Products, prepared by
                                    2004           ANVISA, is published.
  ABIHPEC negotiates with the Receita Federal
[IRS equivalent] and achieves non-cumulative

            PIS / COFINS rates for the industry.
         "Dê a Mão Para o Futuro" Program was
created, a responsibility program regarding the
 destination of packages after the consumption

                                for the industry.
 The ABNT’s Committee CB-57 is formed, which

     establishes the industry consensus on the
 topics discussed in ISO-TC 217, so that they are

                adopted as Brazilian standards.
   Another plea of the industry was met: the IPI
rate for the Sunscreen products is reduced from

                                     12% to zero.
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