Page 51 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
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2018 YEARBOOK                                                                                  TAX THEMES 51



Despite the constant difficulties, the CT&F sector, through its protocoled claims, audiences in
assorted Finance Departments and governmental bodies, attained important results:

AGREEMENT      TWraobraklshionepmartpnaerrcsehriap cwoimthaNCNI,Iw, qhuicehrreessuultltoeudnino tahjueizDaImfileinngtoadgeaiDnIstcoICnMtrSa5o2CoangvreêenmioeICnMt aSn5d2w, tiethndthoe
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            ICMS calculation basis reduction, so as the tax burden correspond to 4% on the operation amount, in
AM transaction with goods part of the Amazonas basic basket, among which the following stand out: a)

            Single sheet toilet paper; b) bar soap; and c) tooth paste (Decree No. 37.788/2017).

CE             Inclusion of bar soaps (NCM 3401.19.00) in State basic basket items and in internal and import
               operations, which will have a 61.11% reduction in calculation basis

DF → 1. Non-incidence of funds to combat and erradicate poverty as of 01/01/2017
           → 2. Withdrawal of CT&F products from the tax replacement (Decree No. 38.403/2017)

               Reduction in the internal and import operations, in the ICMS rate for cosmetics and perfumes, classified

MT             under codes 3305.10.00, 3307.10.00 and 3307.20, as well as sunscreens and solutions for contact lenses
               or for artificial eyes, respectively classified under codes 3304.99.90 and 3307.90.00, all NCM, promoting

               reductions from 35% to 25%.
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