Page 55 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 55

2018 YEARBOOK                                TECHNICAL AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS 55


2017 confirmed how important Brazil is in the looking for a regulatory alignment with the inter-

CT&F sector, since the eyes of the internation- national scenario aiming to remove technical bar-

al community were focused on the country that riers to foreign trade, while maintaining the high

hosted, for the first time, the ICCR (Interna- level of consumer safety”, explained Renata Am-

tional Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation) aral, manager of Technical and Regulatory Af-

meeting. The meeting celebrated the passage fairs at ABIHPEC.

of the entity’s presi-                                                       João Tavares Neto,

dency to Japan, thus                                                         manager of Cosmetics,

ending the 11th CY-                                                          Toiletries, Fragrances

CLE, in which Bra-        ABIHPEC HAS BEEN A GREAT PARTNER IN                and Sanitation Products
zil was in charge since                                                      (GHCOS) and member

July 2016 (represented     BRAZIL'S ACTIVITIES IN MERCOSUR AND               of the National Agency
by ABIHPEC and AN-        IN THE INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ON                of Sanitary Surveillance
VISA). The 11th Cycle                                                        (ANVISA) complements:
was the first one to COSMETIC REGULATIONS (ICCR), WHICH “Due to the dynamism and

count on the Brazilian    BRINGS TOGETHER REGULATORY ENTITIES                size of this market, the con-
leadership ahead of           AND INDUSTRY FROM STRATEGIC                    stant conversations with the
the group created by                                                         Association is an important

Canada, the European REGIONS OF THE GLOBE, BOTH HELPING channel for Anvisa to listen

Community, the Unit-       TO GUIDE NATIONAL REGULATION TO                   to the voice of these compa-
ed States and Japan.      MEET INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICES                  nies and to develop techni-
                                                                             cally adequate regulations,
    In addition to the

permanent commit-                                                            which includes their applica-

tee, representatives      João Tavares Neto                                  bility from the point of view

from South Africa, Ar-    Manager of Cosmetics, Toiletries, Fragrances and   of the regulated industry.

gentina, Chile, Colom-    Sanitation Products (GHCOS) and member of the Na-  ABIHPEC has been a great
bia, South Korea and              tional Agency of Sanitary Surveillance     partner in Brazil's activities
Taiwan were present as                      (ANVISA) complements             in Mercosur and in the In-

listeners. The Brazilian                                                     ternational Cooperation on

role extends the country’s participation in the Cosmetic Regulations (ICCR), which brings together

international regulatory decisions adopted in regulatory entities and industry from strategic regions

a voluntary consensus format, which are used of the globe, both helping to guide national regulation

as references for decisions in Mercosur. “We are to meet international best practices”.
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