Page 58 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 58

58 ÁREA TÉCNICA E REGULATÓRIA                                                     2018 YEARBOOK

                               cation of a second requirement in ISO (Inter-
                               national Organization for Standardization) en-
                               suring the percentage of ingredients that certify
                               the definition of a product as organic. The first
                               publication established the difference between
                               organic and natural products.

                               INCREASE IN RATES AND FEES

                               The latest ABIHPEC yearbook provided details
                               on how an attempt to increase government reve-
                               nue has led to abusive rates and unconstitution-
                               al tariff increases for the industry. In the face of
                               these arbitrary actions, lawsuits have been filed
                               and are moving towards the correct solution in
                               favor of the CT&F industry.

                                   The increase of up to 190% in ANVISA rates
                               was considered irregular and Ministerial Ordi-
                               nance No. 45 determined that the increase in
                               rates could only be accepted up to 50%. The de-
                               cision also ruled that the agency should return
                               the illegal collection, which already began to
                               occur in September. In December 2017, the up-
                               date of rate amounts within the ordinance rul-
                               ing was published, thus guaranteeing greater
                               stability to the companies.

                                   Another battle is still ongoing: the collection
                               of taxes on ANVISA's non-regulated products
                               for the last 5 years. An injunction protects cos-
                               metic companies, but a new ruling has also ruled
                               out notification of food and sanitizing products,
                               which could bring new problems to industries
                               pertaining to those sectors.
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