Page 62 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 62

62 2018 YEARBOOK

                                                                       Also in the debates for simplification, the For-
                                                                   eign Trade area helped companies register in-
                                                                   to the AEO - Brazilian Program of Authorized
                                                                   Economic Operator, a voluntary adherence ac-
                                                                   tion that will facilitate import and export oper-
                                                                   ations. This work allows the use of a fast track in
                                                                   the arrival of finished products and imported raw
                                                                   materials to the Country, an important benefit.

                                                                       In August 2017, the entity held a lecture
                                                                   alongside partners such as Anvisa (Nation-
                                                                   al Sanitary Surveillance Agency) and Sindus-
                                                                   farma (Union at the Pharmaceutical Products
                                                                   Industry in the State of São Paulo), with the
                                                                   program having been presented by the Inter-
                                                                   national Revenue Service, encouraging Anvisa
                                                                   to make its system compatible with the AEO,
                                                                   a pilot project expected to take effect in 2018.

                                                                       In the International Agreements, there is an
                                                                   advance in negotiation for expanding treaties,
                                                                   mainly with Mexico, European Union and Mer-
                                                                   cosur, the latter regarding strategies for mod-
                                                                   ernizing the agreement.

                                                                       Another issue that is always on the agenda
                                                                   in the area of Foreign Trade is the fight against
                                                                   the illegal market. In November 2017, the Com-
                                                                   mittee for Protecting Trademarks was created,
                                                                   an initiative by ABIHPEC, created with the pur-
                                                                   pose of giving more strength to the intelligence
                                                                   actions that protect the brands in the sector. In
                                                                   addition to the economic damages to the CT&F
                                                                   industry and to the population, the practice can
                                                                   also cause several harms to people's health, given
                                                                   that products coming through piracy do not re-
                                                                   spect the Brazilian technical norms and are not
                                                                   warranted in terms of safety and quality.
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