Page 65 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 65

2018 YEARBOOK                                                                                                        65

its audiences are in order to target, decode and trans-  continues to be overcome by the department, from ex-
late this same message so that it is palatable to those  ternal communication to the coordination of special
different audiences.”                                    projects, such as the ABIHPEC-Beleza Brasil Award,
                                                         the Suppliers Qualification Program, and the Trend
    For communication and marketing teams of             Book,” said Carla Camporini, Communication
sector entities such as ABIHPEC, the challenge           and Marketing Manager at ABIHPEC.
is even greater. The department is responsible for
integrated communication with the market and             WORKING GROUP
acts in three profiles: representing ABIHPEC as
an Entity, acting directly with the Internal Ar-         The relationship with the press is a key part of the
eas, and representing the CT&F sector as a whole.        growth and survival of all companies, being easily
                                                         understood by the market. Nevertheless, when an
    For this work to be effective, the team should       entity such as ABIHPEC, which accounts for 94%
be able to take risks and adjust the processes, thus     of the sector, needs to position itself in front of so-
ensuring that nothing is static and that all proj-       ciety, it is necessary to ensure that communication
ects are continually evolving. It was precisely this     planning is in line with the diversity of the industry.
determination that led the department to begin,
in 2017, with changes that will define how com-              To ensure this representativeness, the depart-
munication will be applied in the coming years.          ment has created a Working Group, with rep-
                                                         resentatives from associated companies, thus
    In pursuit of the construction of an effec-          enabling adequate and functional plans that com-
tive disclosure policy, the team has defined four        pile the needs of the entire sector.
performance criteria, which, together, allow us
to analyze whether an activity will yield the ex-            Danielle Nunes, from L’Oréal’s Corporate
pected results: the defense of history and repre-        Communications department, comments, “The
sentativeness, the quality of services, image re-        communication WG is relevant and important, as
sults, and efficiency of efforts.                        it comprises the moment in which the sector joins
                                                         and positions itself in this challenging market.”
    The integration of these concepts provid-
ed ABIHPEC with the development of new                       For Rosana Marques, a member of GT-C&M
achievements, becoming a leader in the medi-             and Director of Corporate Affairs at Coty,
ation between partner groups and even among              ABIHPEC positions itself as an intermediate in
competitors, as in events that bring together sev-       the segment, representing associates in an ethical
eral trend-setting agencies to work side by side;        and purposeful manner and generating positive
the relationship with external communication             results. “A series of activities on different fronts, such
through the press and various media outlets; and         as taxation and sustainability, for example, have been
the development and coordination of special en-          improved in recent years, with the promotion of critical
trepreneurial projects within the CT&F sector.           mass and projection for the sector,” she explained.
Additionally, they feature partnerships with var-        “There is a significant contribution, with a relevant
ious sectors, organization of information, pro-          impact for society, given the magnitude of CT&F for
duction of institutional materials, and the rela-        the domestic economy.”
tionship with society as a whole.

    “Maintaining a consistency of language and im-
age in a sector as diverse as CT&F is a challenge that
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