Page 69 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 69

2018 YEARBOOK                                            INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY 69

INNOVATION AND                                              IN PARTNERSHIP WITH ABDI
                                                            AND SEBRAE, ITEHPEC HAS
TECHNOLOGY                                               DEVELOPED A TREND STUDY THAT
                                                         PRESENTS TECHNOLOGICAL AND
As a fundamental tool to raise the level of com-           FUTURE SCENARIOS FOR NEW
petitiveness of companies in the Cosmetics, Toi-          TECHNOLOGIES IN COSMETICS,
letries and Fragrances chain, innovation is in-           TOILETRIES AND FRAGRANCES
dispensable for sustainable growth in a world in           PRESENTING TECHNOLOGICAL
constant transformation. It is key, especially in        SCENARIOS UP TO 2050, SEEKING
the CT&F industry, where the shelves should al-          TO ANTICIPATE THE TRENDS THAT
ways be full of innovative and quality products.         WILL IMPACT THE FUTURE OF THE
                                                         INDUSTRY TO INCORPORATE THIS
    With the mission of leveraging innovation            PROCESS OF INNOVATION IN THE
in the CT&F industry so as to expand and con-
solidate its competitiveness, ABIHPEC's area                          SECTOR.
of Innovation and Technology develops a se-
ries of initiatives.

    The year of 2017 marks the incorporation of
ITEHPEC by ABIHPEC, expanding the scope of
these innovation initiatives for the sector, consid-
ered one of the main elements of sustainable eco-
nomic development. “This fact allows for great-
er synergy, with the simplification of processes
and the enhancement of resources,� said Carlos
Praes, president of the Scientific and Techno-
logical Council.

    According to Marina Kobayashi, ABIHPEC's
innovation manager, “the incorporation of ITEH-
PEC represented a strategic gain for ABIHPEC, con-
solidating an area of innovation and technology that
has been strongly acting in the exploration of business
opportunities in innovation for the industry, antici-
pating trends, in the generation of knowledge and in-
tegration of available resources. Hence, it counts on
a Scientific-Technological Council made up of special-
ists of the industry and researchers of the academy�,
she concludes.
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