Page 74 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
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TRAINING EVENTS to have access to information on the CT&F market.
This is an exclusive and innovative platform with in-
SEMINAR WITH RESEARCH formation available to its associated partners at no
INSTITUTES additional cost.”
In 2017, the 2nd edition was held, in partner- CUSTOMER SERVICE
ship with the Department of Communication
and Marketing of ABIHPEC, bringing together The area also provides personalized service to
in a single day different Research Institutes, member companies in order provide insight and
which transpires global and CT&F-related business intelligence. To do so, it offers solid
issues on scenarios, perspectives, trends, and competitive market intelligence bases for
behavior, and changes in consumer habits, growth initiatives and meets demands for bet-
among others. ter performance.
In the last two years, institutes such as MARKET PROSPECTING
Euromonitor International, Factor-Kline, Goo-
gle, Iqvia, Kantar, LCA Consultores, Mintel, The prospecting for new markets through Beau-
Nielsen, Qualibest and WGSN have joined tycare Brasil identifies market opportunities for
ABIHPEC in this model. Brazilian CT&F industries. In 2017, the prospec-
tive mission went to India.
Organization, in partnership with internal ar-
eas of ABIHPEC, of workshops directed by
subject or product category. In addition, it ad-
dresses international markets specially built
for the Beautycare Brasil project companies
but open to all companies that are interested
in those markets.
Elaine Gerchon explains, “When we think of
a workshop, we analyze all questions regard-
ing size, product categories, performance,
trends, and opportunities. The objective is
to bring strategic information and a detailed
overview of the market so that participants
can position themselves before investing.”