Page 78 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 78

78 2018 YEARBOOK

              LABOR                                                                          C
              RELATIONS                                                                      Y
                                     Accompanying legislation and Human Resourc-            MY
                                     es trends to support associates and bring positive     CY
                                     foundations to the sector is the main role of the     CMY
9labor relations group, which is coordinated by a
                                     specialist consultant in the area and legally sup-
                                     ported by a lawyer specializing in labor corpo-
                                     rate law, focused on the CT&F sector.
                                         Among the activities of this subject are con-
                                     stant meetings and specialized talks to discuss
                                     and exchange experiences of current issues. In
                                     addition, for the state of São Paulo, it also estab-
                                     lishes a connection between industry and its em-
                                     ployees, mediating collective bargaining.
                                         At the crucial point in the CCT negotiations
                                     - especially in 2017 when the Labor Reform was
                                     about to be signed - a rapid consensus brought
                                     benefits to the industry and workers, who were
                                     granted one year to analyze the changes prior to
                                     the next meeting.
                                         Currently, most of the issues presented are
                                     related to labor reform and union contributions.
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