Page 76 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 76

876 2018 YEARBOOK

                                                                   Brazil is among the most diverse biodiversity na-
                                                                   tions on the planet, accommodating from 10 to
                                                                   20% of the number of species known to science
                                                                   and about 30% of tropical forests. This strategic
                                                                   position not only privileges the country in mat-
                                                                   ters such as economy and innovation, but also
                                                                   enriches it culturally.

                                                                       For CT&F companies, the priority theme is
                                                                   the new Genetic Heritage Law, or the Biodiver-
                                                                   sity Law, whose operation is explained in a de-
                                                                   tailed manner by the Guide for Accessing the
                                                                   Brazilian Biodiversity, developed in 2017 by the
                                                                   entity. "We were the first institution to launch a
                                                                   guide, which aims to educate companies in the
                                                                   industry about the use of genetic heritage with-
                                                                   out issues related to distribution or fines" said
                                                                   Rose Hernandes, ABIHPEC's Environment di-
                                                                   rector. According to her, international entities
                                                                   are already requesting the guide and using it as
                                                                   a reference.

                                                                       Established in 2001, the Provisional Measure
                                                                   that initially spawned the law had the intention
                                                                   of stopping biopiracy and stimulating research
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