Page 79 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 79

2018 YEARBOOK                                                                           LABOR RELATIONS 79

       In 2017, attorney Vanessa Sapiência, Counselor of           THE NEGOTIATORS REPRESENT
       the Superior Council of Labor Relations - CORT/              11 EMPLOYERS' UNIONS WITH
       FIESP, specialized in labor law, with more than            MORE THAN 300,000 WORKERS.
       10 years of experience in the CT&F sector, be-              WE NEGOTIATE NOT ONLY THE
       gan to serve the entity with regard to labor is-          ECONOMIC INDEX, BUT ALSO MORE
       sues, through the clarification of doubts in the            THAN 80 CLAUSES, COVERING:
       sector and associated companies.                           OVERTIME, SHIFT-PREMIUM PAY,
                                                                 LABOR REDUCTION AND OVERTIME
            Her vision allows her to answer interpreta-            BANK, AMONG MANY OTHERS
       tion issues and make recommendations on mat-
       ters related to the labor legal area. “Most of the                    Antonio Carlos Lopes
       professionals are from the Human Resources field, and                      Coordinator
       although they have a good legal base, they are not ex-
       perts,” she says. “The expert figure brings more quali-
       ty and more productive dynamics to the group meet-
       ing. In the end, we were able to set up a joint strategy
       with these executives”.

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