Page 80 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 80
The Collective Labor Convention, or CCT In force since 11/11/2017, the labor
(CLC), is a legal act, agreed between reform changes more than 100 points of
employers and employees' unions to estab- the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT),
lish rules in labor relations. It is important to edited in 1943, and changes the rights and
note that the claus- duties of workers as
es cannot harm the well as employers.
rights provided for in It modifies hiring
the legislation. THE LABOR REFORM WAS ALSO formats, vacations,
"The negotiators THE FOCUS OF THE MEETINGS AND working days, allows
represent 11 employ- DISCUSSIONS SO THAT ACTIONS WERE the reduction of
ers' unions with more breaks for rest and
than 300,000 work- DEFINED, RANGING FROM COURSES meals, among other
ers. We negotiate TO UNDERSTAND THESE CHANGES TO issues. According to
not only the econom- ANALYSIS OF STUDIES AND DISCUSSIONS the lawyer specializ-
ic index, but also ing in labor law, Dr.
more than 80 claus- OF SPECIFIC CASES. THE NEW LABOR Maria Aparecida
es, covering: over- LEGISLATION, INCIDENTALLY, WAS A Pellegrina, "the labor
time, shift-premium reform emerged to
pay, labor reduction RECURRING TOPIC IN THE AREA'S bring some forms of
and overtime bank, ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING MEETINGS WITH employment that did
among many others," FIESP REPRESENTATIVES. not fit the CLT."
said Antonio Carlos
One aspect that
Lopes, coordinator she believes may
of the group. The Labor Reform was also be of interest to any industry is the issue
the focus of the meetings and discussions of what has been agreed regarding the
so that actions were defined, ranging from legislation, which is one of the main topics
courses to understand these changes to addressed, where collective agreements
analysis of studies and discussions of between companies and unions may
specific cases. The new labor legislation, overlap laws at specific points listed by
incidentally, was a recurring topic in the the text. The employers' unions can help
area's activities, including meetings with entrepreneurs on these fronts. "In this
FIESP representatives. The idea is that condition, the judiciary must make sure
the time gained by closing CCT before the that employees' rights are not suppressed
Reform can improve the knowledge and set by mere negotiation" she warns.
the course of 2018 with much more clarity
and benefits for both sides.