Page 61 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 61

2018 YEARBOOK                                                  FOREIGN TRADE 61


In 2017, one of the great advances in this area  “The platform redesigns the export and import pro-

was the inauguration of the Export Module of cesses, making them simpler, faster and more efficient.

the Single Foreign Trade Portal. The system al- In addition, it optimizes the benefits of ongoing invest-

ready has concrete benefits for all the industry ments in logistics infrastructure in the foreign trade,

sectors, including the CT&F industry, with a re- by enabling data sharing and reducing bureaucrat-

duction of around 40% of the time in the export ic obstacles that hamper supply chain management,�

procedure, as well as a                                        said Abrão Neto, secre-

large bureaucratization                                        tary of Foreign Trade at

of documents. From this                                        the Ministry of Industry,

new system, the conver-                                        Foreign Trade and Ser-

gence of information in      THE SINGLE PORTAL IS ALSO         vices. Among the advan-
a single channel allows     PREPARED FOR IMPLEMENTING          tages for the companies
automatic access by dif-                                       highlighted by Neto are

ferent agencies involved    THE DRAWBACK REGIME, WHERE         the elimination of doc-

in foreign trade, such as       COMPANIES CAN USE THE          uments and procedural
Federal Revenue, Anvi-      MECHANISM FOR IMPORTING RAW        steps, integration with
sa, Army, among others.                                        the Electronic Tax Re-

The key word for the        MATERIALS WITH THE SUSPENSION      ceipt, a 60% reduction

benefits that this agility  OR EXEMPTION OF IMPORT TARIFFS,    in information comple-
brings to the market is      FOR MANUFACTURING FINISHED        tion and a one-stop sys-
competitiveness. The fa-                                       tem between exporters

cilitation of procedural    PRODUCTS THAT WILL BE EXPORTED     and the government.
procedures reduces time                                            Every change brings

and also costs, allowing                                       adjustment needs, so

more and more partic-                Ricardo de Nobrega        ABIHPEC was at the
ipation in the interna-     Foreign Trade Manager at ABIHPEC.  side of its associates,
tional market and ex-                                          providing information

pansion of raw material                                        and training needed for

imports and finished products exports. “The Single this new moment. The entity also carried out

Portal is also prepared for implementing the Drawback an approximation of the companies associated

Regime, where companies can use the mechanism for with the Government, having received feedback

importing raw materials with the suspension or ex- on the Portal use, thus guaranteeing a necessary

emption of import tariffs, for manufacturing finished adjustment in this implementation process. The

products that will be exported�, explained Ricardo de path now in 2018 follows the adjustment of the

Nobrega, Foreign Trade Manager at ABIHPEC. import module.
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