Page 56 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 56

56 TECHNICAL AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS                                2018 YEARBOOK

Annual ICCR Meeting, Brazil edition                                spection model (document and paper analysis) to
                                                                   implement a post-market control (the product
          REGISTRATION TIMES                                       in the aisle, even avoiding falsification), as it is
                                                                   already done in reference countries, such as the
               As the country mover toward its international       United States and European Countries.
               technical and regulatory positioning, in the do-
               mestic market the industry still feels the effects      A breakthrough had already been made
               of the political crisis that begun in 2014, facing  in 2015 when only five categories (30% of the
               arbitrary and often unconstitutional decisions.     market) were subject to registration: insect
               Most of the activities are, therefore, placed to    repellent, sun- screen, children's personal
               minimize economic impacts in face of regulato-      care products, hair straighteners and hand
               ry changes as indicated in previous yearbooks.      sanitizers - other prod ucts should only carry
                                                                   out the communication before the update
                   One of the aspects that must be stressed out    because they are of low health risk. However,
               was the activities for the facilitation of admin-   the decrease in the number of notifications -
               istrative and regulatory procedures. This mac-      which should make the analysis process within
               ro-theme aims to get closer to the premarket in-    ANVISA easier – continues to be a barrier
                                                                   in the way of requiring a lot of time (labels
                                                                   changes take up to 159 days to get an approval,
                                                                   for example).

                                                                       Some major problems impacted the evo-
                                                                   lution through times: the political instability
                                                                   that prevented the preservation of qualified
                                                                   technical teams to meet the sanitary authori-
                                                                   ties regulatory demands; problems in the
                                                                   op-eration of the electronic communication
                                                                   sys- tems (operation of the SGAS - Automa-
                                                                   tion System for Registration of personal care
                                                                   products, fragrances and cosmetics and Data-
                                                                   visa), among others. This lack of predictability
                                                                   has a huge negative impact, especially for in-
                                                                   ternational companies that often leave Brazil
                                                                   out of their global launches, reducing invest-
                                                                   ment and hence job offer.

                                                                   REGULATORY UPDATES


                                                                   In 2017, public consultation was enabled for
                                                                   coexisting labels, seeking to accelerate the
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