Page 86 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 86

86 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY                                                           2018 YEARBOOK

                          In partnership with the IOCHPE Foundation,
                          we defined what would be the basis for the pro-
                          motion of the Formare Project to the Cosmet-
                          ics, Toiletries and Fragrances sector, which is
                          focused on professional education in commer-
                          cial environments, based on the educational and
                          voluntary action of collaborators of the compa-
                          ny itself. The project helps young people under
                          social vulnerability situations and aims to de-
                          velop skills for the exercise of citizenship and
                          social inclusion in the labor market. It is com-
                          posed by customized courses, developed in sev-
                          eral professional services according to the com-
                          panies needs. “In some cases, students who do the
                          training program end up becoming employees”, ex-
                          plained Claudio Viggiani, president of the ABI-
                          HPEC Institute.

                          In June 2017, a cooperation agreement was signed
                          between the ABIHPEC Institute and Intercoif-
                          fure Brazil, through the creation of a support
                          fund coordinated by a Management Committee
                          for the promotion and development of the Edu-
                          cation for Life Project. The project supports in-
                          stitutions that offer training to professionals in
                          the beauty industry to people under a social vul-
                          nerability situation, thus promoting employabil-
                          ity and entrepreneurship.

                              After being issued a call for applications of in-
                          stitutions, the participants were evaluated by the
                          Management Committee, according to the follow-
                          ing criteria: governance, quality control of teach-
                          ing and efficiency measurements, and three in-
                          stitutions were selected: Casa do Menor de São
                          Miguel Arcanjo (RJ), Instituto Profissionalizante
                          Mangueira (RJ) and Projeto Tesourinha (SP).
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