Page 91 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 91
The CT&F sector is an important segment of the integrity of workers), such as the operation in
plastic packaging market. Through constant in the Annex for Injection Molding Machines. This
conjunction with this sector, ABIPLAST aims to work ensures a greater legal certainty to the in-
seek solutions that increase the competitiveness vestments and the workers in the industrial park.
of the products offered to the market. Always in
search of new technologies, with more and more Finally, it is worth stressing the joint work car-
sustainability, intelligent packaging with reduced ried out with other industries aiming at achiev-
consumption of raw material, the entity seeks to ing the objectives of the National Policy on Sol-
make the economy flow. id Waste (a law based on the concept of shared
responsibility where all links – industry, govern-
Among the main achievements in 2017 are ment and consumers – are responsible for the
matters concerning taxes when there were discus- product life cycle). ABIPLAST is a member of
sions with the government regarding tax issues. the business coalition, and targets for 2017 have
been achieved and surpassed. Several education-
“We are deeply concerned with the announcement al awareness campaigns on this issue were held
of the changes in PIS/COFINS because of what hap- throughout the year.
pened previously, due to the wrong calibration of the
rates, it was enormously costly to the companies col- THROUGH CONSTANT IN CONJUNCTION
lecting these two taxes”, says José Ricardo Roriz WITH THIS SECTOR, ABIPLAST AIMS TO
Another flag is the fight against the exorbi-
tant level of the interest rate in Brazil. In 2017, a OFFERED TO THE MARKET.
resistance network to the LTIR (Long Term In-
terest Rate) was formed against the LTR (Long
Term Rate), which increases the cost of produc-
tive investment in brands, equipment and inno-
vation that are essential for increasing the com-
panies’ productivity.
Several advances have also been made in rela-
tion to the correct understanding of NR12 (Nor-
ma Regulamentadora 12 - which defines technical
references, fundamental principles, and protec-
tive measures to ensure the health and physical