Page 92 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 92

92 PRODUCTION CHAIN                                     2018 YEARBOOK

The year 2017 marked strategic advances for             THE COSMETICS INDUSTRY IS PROBABLY
ABIQUIM. The first advance was the guaran-              THE FASTEST GROWING SECTOR IN THE
tee of maintaining the special tax regime for the       CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND, THEREFORE,
chemical industry, which is a special taxation sta-     IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR ALL ABIQUIM
tus threatened by the government's decision. An-         ASSOCIATES WHO ARE SUPPLIERS OF
other point to be stressed now, in the planning
area of logistics activities for the chemical in-                COSMETIC PRODUCTS
dustry, was the intense work with the Ministry
of Transportation and a planning and logistics                            Fernando Figueiredo
company, a long-term plan which will present                                 CEO of ABIQUIM
results as of 2025.

    Finally, there was progress in the facilitation
of the chemical industry bureaucratic processes,
opening a plea for the fire brigade to extend the
term of the license for companies certified by the
program of responsible action, a global chemical
industry program.

    The year ended with an 8.8% growth when
compared to 2016, with revenues equivalent to
12.4 billion dollars.

    It is also worth mentioning that, in 2017, the
work with ABIHPEC was through a joint effort
to reach a new level regarding the proper prod-
uct labeling issue to help the understanding of
the Brazilian consumer. As in previous years, the
partnership took place in total harmony. Fernan-
do Figueiredo, CEO of ABIQUIM, comments
on the importance of cooperation: “The cosmet-
ics industry is probably the fastest growing sector in
the chemical industry and, therefore, it is very im-
portant for all ABIQUIM associates who are suppli-
ers of cosmetic products.”
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