Page 90 - ABIHPEC ANUARIO 2018
P. 90

90 PRODUCTION CHAIN                                   2018 YEARBOOK

The Cosmetics, Toiletries and Fragrances mar-           BY OBSERVING THIS SCENARIO, WE
ket in Brazil is one of the largest markets in the      UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF
world and we know that – in the last years – this        THE PARTNERSHIP WORK OF THE
market has undergone great transformations and         FRAGRANCES HOUSES WITH ALL THE
adaptations due to the difficulties and the cri-        PLAYERS IN THE MARKET, AND THE
sis experienced.                                         ABIFRA SUPPORT SO THAT ITS 41
                                                      ASSOCIATES WILL BE FUNDAMENTAL TO
    With the Brazilian GDP growth, we noticed
signs of recovery and we believe that the Brazil-            SUPPORT THIS GROWTH.
ian beauty market, which had lost its position as
the third largest beauty market in 2017, will have
great chances of recovery in 2018.

    ABIFRA's affiliated companies, large world
perfume shops, continue to bet on the market, as
the Brazilian is culturally passionate about per-
fume. Unlike some markets, fragrance plays a key
role in the purchase of several beauty products.

    The benefit of moisturizing and cleaning for
skin care and hair care are very important, but the
passion for fragrance/good smell, which stresses
the result, remains the reason for choosing prod-
ucts, even more in a market that has many prod-
uct launches.

    We believe that the segments presenting the
biggest growth trend in 2018 will be the soaps, hair
care, make up and fine perfumery segments. In all
of them, fragrances are present!

    By observing this scenario, we understand the
importance of the partnership work of the Fra-
grances houses with all the players in the market,
and the ABIFRA support so that its 41 associates
will be fundamental to support this growth.
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